Saturday, September 7, 2019


Following below are some of the main components
contained in the Mobile Phone along with trouble shooting and its functions:

Antenna Switch
Function: As a processor and refinement and combine the voltage between the RX signal and TX signal.
Trouble Shooting:
No signal
Only one network left
Signal up and down
When the signal appears the cellphone immediately turns off

Audio IC (COBBA)
Function: As
processing incoming sound signals from RF ICs, then amplified and
passed on to the speaker, amplifying the vibration of the sound that has been changed
first by the mic into electrical vibrations then forwarded to

RF IC, runs commands from the CPU. Audio IC also has PCM
(Pulse Code Module) and EEPROM that function to read signal code
coming from the operator to be adapted to the mobile IMEI.
Besides that it also functions to store data that is of a nature
permanent such as IMEI, phone code, etc.
Trouble Shooting:
Contact Service
Black blank on the LCD
Signal up and down
The bicycle and Mic are dead

Function: CPU
is a series of integrated electronic components and will
function in accordance with their respective duties. This component has
very significant task, because this component is the brain and
a cellphone. In other words, the CPU is the center and the mobile system works.
Trouble Shooting:
Total death (Off)
No signal
The cellphone suddenly turns itself off
Contact Service
LCD blank
Power IC (CCONT)
Function: As a supplier of electric current to each component according to their needs.
Trouble Shooting:
Total death (Off)
Insert simcard
Contact Service
Not charging
Black blank on the LCD
Function: As
supplying electric current to each component accordingly
with their needs. At UEM IC this is a combination of IC Power,

IC UI, IC Charging.
Trouble Shooting:
Total death (Off)
Bad UPP Response 02
Data error 2 (Tornado)
Contact retailer / contact service
Phone restic (check IMEI ???????)

Flash IC
Function: Component
this as a data storage medium on mobile phones that are not permanent
in other words, it can be changed or supplemented with existing data
on the computer. This tool functions the same as the hard disk on a computer.
Trouble Shooting:
The cellphone suddenly turns itself off
Contact Service
LCD blank
Totally dead
One of the data is missing from the menu
EEPROM (Electrically Erase Programable Read Only Memory)
Function: As
the data storage area on the designed cellphone is independent
with the electric current from the cellphone, because it already exists
a special battery or an electric current it already has, usually
This component stores factory data such as IMEI1, IMEI2, Security Code,
Program version and date of manufacture. But for Nokia brand mobile phones
the latest release of data contained in this component cannot be
Trouble Shooting:
Total death (software)
MCU (Master Control Unit)
Function: Data
which is inside the cellphone which is located on Audio IC, this data
permanent or already from the factory, such as: the version of the program
cellphone, IMEI, year of manufacture, and phone code.
Trouble Shooting:
Total death (software)
Function: Component
this is basically a data storage too, but its nature
only temporary, because this component the way it works depends on the current
electricity contained in these components. If the cellphone is turned off
then directly the data contained in these components will be
disappear by itself. This component is very closely related to
CPU activity. The greater the capacity of RAM, the better it will be Dula
CPU performance, but if RAM is damaged the CPU is not
can work.
IC Charging
Function: Component
This will work automatically when charging that works only
to charge the battery voltage controlled by the CPU through the IC
Trouble Shooting:
No charging
Suck the battery
Function: As
the data controller ordered by the CPU IC on the Vibrator, Buzzer,
Led and is as an automatic switch in a cell phone.
Trouble Shooting:
Totally dead
There is no shakes
Ringing off
Led off
Function: As
TX signal voltage controller as well as the final signal amplifier to be
emitted through the antenna switch component contained in the cellphone.
Trouble Shooting:
The exit signal then disappears
Does not transmit
Search for networks
Suck the battery
Total Off (Off)
Function: As
RX (in) and TX (out) signal controller, so that each part can
work well. This component consists of several parts, namely:
IF, Mixer, Oscillator, Detector, Encoder, Decoder, AFC, Tone Frequency
and Squelch.
Trouble Shooting:
Search for networks
Exit one network
Total Off (Off)
White Blank on the LCD
VCO IC (Voltage Control Oscilator)
Function: As
oscillator / frequency generator to be sent via TX section
(transmitting) and frequencies entering through the RX (reception) section
in order to stay the same as what was emitted. Besides this device, too
functions as a regulator of the pulse voltage of the RF Signal Processor.
Trouble Shooting:
Only one card can be used
Searching for networks (serching)
The exit signal then disappears
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Function: As a tool that will display all activities and cellphones, as a communication media read and write on the cell phone.
Trouble Shooting:
Writing upside down / messy
Function: As
input equipment that gives data commands to the cellphone CPU for
processed and will be sent to other components related to
Trouble Shooting:
Writing upside down / messy
Function: as
an electric current source needed to provide an electric current to
cellphone. There are several kinds of batteries for cellphones, namely Nickel-Metal
Hydrate (NiMH), Lithium-Ion (LiON), and Lithium-Poly ¬ RI- (LiPoly)
Trouble Shooting:
When making a call, the cell phone immediately turns off
The LCD light is blinking
Charging failed call


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